
  • I got 47 out of 67 on MCQ on college board and although this score seems to improve for sure, I am satisfied that my grae increased than the last time MC quiz. Since we spend majority of our time in focusing on project in class, I felt the importance of practice computing knowledges to not forget the essential knowledges. Before I took the quiz, I studided mainly team teaching we went over because it covers all the essential knowledges and concepts that are published in mc quiz. Also, I realized the significance of time consuming through this quiz, as I spend more time in each problem than I expected and I must spend one to two minutes in every problem in order to follow the time limit. In order to effectively study both coding and computing problems, I resolved to study computing knowledges through resources on the internet such as Khan academy and coding problems through asking questions or practicing.

What went well

  • As mentioned in overview, as I studided team teaching hard, I did pretty well on those problems that are related to IT and computing knowledges such as knowing general terms like digital divide and internet routing. In order to keep up with my current knowledges and not to forget them, I will study using Khan academy which is a good tool to review those kind of problems.

Types of questions I found confusing

  • Types of questions I found confusing, in the other word, similar questions I got wrong the most are coding problems, especially those involved in loops that repeats certain patterns until the certain condition is met. In addition, although I am familiar with language tool python, coding problems are always given as pseudocode which makes me bit confusing when solving them so I decided to study it also.


  • Q7: It is actually regarded as benefit to reduce the cost of maintenance and fuel for actual training filights, and since it doesnt make sense than simulation provides a more realistic experience than actual-real training flights, the answer is C.
  • Q10: D is wrong because althogh it covers all the cost of a ticket in different branches, it doesn’t display the cost when the person’s age is regular and its guided tour cost. However, since B reveals all the possible outcomes, B is correct answer
  • Q15: Althogh two programs a and b seems to be very ddifferent, they essentially are the same one which print out identical values in the same order indicating the answer is A.
  • Q16: If inserting index = index -1 between lines 6 and 7, the loop with never terminate which causes error because index never goes minus 1 and can not proceed to next indext which is index minus 1. Thus whether if condition is met or not, the program must proceed to next index (-1) to check other word in word list. Thus the answer is D.
  • Q18: The case D I chose will make the robot not proceed to move forward and keep on rotating right as loop condition is never met, while the answer B clearly revelas the case where robots moves to the desired destination, gray square.
  • Q29: This problem was just based on if you know the term, losless compression. Losless compression is a device compresses the file and and the second receipant restores to original file, thus A is correct answer, with having the exact same defiinition.
  • Q33: The proportion of studens who improved their course grde as a result of dropping the lowest score can be calculated as administrator knows the course grade of a student after the lowest score was dropped. However, since the administrator doesnt know each value in the student’s assignment score, it is impossible to determine the value of the highest assignment score.
  • Q37: C I chose is incorrect answer since it does endy=endy-2 first before calling to operation wich displays the coordinate that are off by one, but A displays the correct procesure and its order that corresponds with image shown.
  • Q39: For answer B, it will loop up to 9 wich cant print 10 thus cant display the sum of the first 10 elements in the list. On the other hand, C: lines 5 and 6 should be interchanged is correct because if unchanged, i becomes 2 which doesnt print the first element wiich ultimately maakes impossible to display the sum from the first element to tenth element in the list.
  • Q47: I was unsure about what the binary search does, in order for it to work properly, the values in numlist must be in orted order because the binary search works by adding the start and end value divided by 2 and narrowing down the answer.
  • Q49: In order to assign each of 100 staff members unique bit sequence, bit sequence have to be different from every each other, indicating 100 different binary numbers. And since the problem is asking the mininum number of bits, it should be 7 which is equivalent to 2 to the power of 7, 128. For 6, it will only allow for up to 64 staff members.
  • Q50: I was unsure about the essential definition of ‘reasonable time’, so I throught the answer 1 and 2 would take a lot of time which would be far from reasonable running time. However they are considered as reasonable time, thus every 1,2,3 are answers. For an algorithm to run in reasonable time, it mut take a number of steps less than or equal to a polynomial function.
  • Q51: Similar to previous proboem, I wasnt aware of the term, creative commons, it is to give creators of digital content the ability to indicate how their works can be legally used and distributed, enabling broad access to digital information. For answer B, it says to give internet users the right to legally use and distribute any previously copyrightede work, which is wrong because not every copyrighted work enables other to use their work only those with creative commons.
  • Q52: only 1 is correct because the simulation continues until either 24 hours pass or the population reaches 0. For answer 2, 2 onlt displays the average change in population over the whole-entire course of simulation, not per hour. For answer 3, the simulation doesn’t display the ttal population at the end of the simulation, it displays the change in population at the end of the simulation.
  • Q56: Version I calls the GetPrediction procedure once for each element of idList, or four times total. Since each call requires 1 minute of execution time, version I requires approximately 4 minutes to execute. Version II calls the GetPrediction procedure twice for each element of idList, and then again in the final display statement. This results in the procedure being called nine times, requiring approximately 9 minutes of execution time.
  • Q58: This questions is the most tricky question I think, but the answer is c because for this set of inputs, false is returned even though two of the inputs are equal in value. The IF condition x = y evaluates to false, so the body of the ELSE statement is executed. The expression y = z evaluates to false, so false is returned.
  • Q59: Answer D, that open source software can be updated even without the involvement of the original programmer is true which is different from commercial software that neeeds the programmer to update the programs. However for the answer C, it doesnt make sense that the original developer of open source software provides free support for users; there is no guarantee for this.
  • Q62: For A, the only input is x, so it will display x or y to true, thus true is displayed. For answer B, it display x only which is true always.